Kim Adams is a Humanities in the World postdoctoral fellow at the Pennsylvania State University Humanities Institute.

Kim has a new article out on The House of God and Our Bodies, Ourselves in the Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences. It includes the following sentences:
The House of God reeks of the 1970s: modern medicine in bed with Nixon, naked women, and Rolling Stone. It reads like Gonzo journalism with Lasix and Thorazine instead of mescaline and cocaine.
Our Bodies, Ourselves, in contrast, smells of patchouli, homemade yogurt, and utopian aspirations. If it had a soundtrack, it would be Joni Mitchell's Blue or Carole King's Tapestry.

Her book project, Building the Body Electric, follows the application of electricity to the human body in American literature and medicine from the Civl War to the Civil Rights Era, arguing that electric medicine works to form bodies into raced, sexed, and gendered subjects. Her research makes use of methods from the medical humanities, science and technology studies, media studies and literary scholarship.

An article from this project, "'Electrical Nutrition and Glandular Control': Eugenics, Progressive Science, and George Schuyler's Black No More" was recently published in Twentieth Century Literature. If you want to read it and don't have access, send an email.

You can read an article she co-authored with the Humanities Podcast Network in Inside Higher Ed.

As a scholar and educator, Kim is invested in work that combines material history
with theoretical stakes to evoke practical consequences.